Some One-word Substitution from English Grammar
Some One-word Substitution from English Grammar
- One who studies and treats the diseases of the eye is – an ophthalmologist
- One who is specialist in heart and its disease is – a cardiologist
- An unmarried woman is called – spinster
- What is ‘linguistics’? – The scientific study of language
- An erratic person is one who is – unreliable
- He was very fond of his wife, so his friends called him – Hen-pecked
- A place to keep grains – Granary
- ‘A’ and ‘An’ are – indefinite article
- Philanthropist means – a person of charity
- A lexicographer is a person who writes – dictionaries
- A cobbler is a person who – mends shoes
- The ability to tell interesting stories make one – a raconteur
- ‘Protagonist’ indicates – the leading character of actor in a play
- The profession of teaching – teachership
- A place for keeping dogs – kennel
- A geologist studies – the earth
- One working in the same place is a – colleague
- Powerful mother figure in a ruling position is called – matriarch
- One who is pathologically self-interested is called – egomaniac
- One who commits antisocial acts without guilt or pang of conscience is called – psychopath
- The platform in a temple on which idols are kept called – altar
- A cartographer is a person who draws – maps
- A person who eats human flesh is called – cannibal
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