Saturday, February 15, 2025

A misconception about drinking water!

Disadvantages of drinking excess water | How much water do you need to drink every day? | Some general rules of drinking water | Some amazing and interesting information about water | Circumcision of drinking water

An incident of childhood. Will be 8-9 years old then. When we went to play in the afternoon, we often bet that one tap (tubewell) would be able to drink (drink) water. That means holding the mouth of the tubewell and holding the handle will keep pressing. If the whole tubewell overflows with water, it will be called a faucet. There was competition among us as to who could eat (drink) this one tap water. Especially on hot days when I would go to play in the sun. Then this competition would have been more. I used to be very thirsty in extreme heat. Bet with that. That’s why almost everyone drank one tap of water. Drinking one tap of water would have filled our stomachs completely at that age. Even after eating for a long time, it was difficult to walk.

Growing up a little, I heard from the people around me that water is very good for the body. There is no harm in that. Another name for water is life. The more water you can drink, the better. So the question is, since water is a good thing, is there any side effect of drinking too much or too much water? There is no possibility of any physical harm in drinking extra water?

A few days ago these questions came to my mind. So many years ago I knew that the more water I could drink, the better. There is no possibility of loss.

In this article, I have tried to give a clear idea about the common misconceptions about drinking water, the correct rules and amount of drinking water, the disadvantages of drinking too much water, etc.

Disadvantages of drinking excess water

Experts recommend drinking a moderate amount of water every day. Didn’t say to drink extra amount of water. Drinking too much water can cause serious damage to the body. One of the problems that can arise from drinking too much water is-

  • Muscle weakness, physical weakness
  • Feeling physically and mentally uncomfortable
  • Convulsions
  • Loss of consciousness

The amount of water a person drinks purifies our kidneys. After purification, it is used for various purposes in the body. Drinking extra water puts extra pressure on the kidneys. Disruption of the normal functioning of the kidneys. As a result, various adverse reactions occur in the body. At the same time, drinking too much water disturbs the balance of water and sodium in the body.

How much water do you need to drink every day?

The amount of water required by the body varies due to age, gender and condition. For example, boys need more water than girls. Moreover, if the temperature is high during the day, even on hot days, water is naturally required more. At the same time, those who do more physical work also need more water. You can find out how much water you need to drink per day according to the description in the table.

Depending on the age, how much water to drink per day, you can download the table in the form of useful PDF and image to print. Download PDF | Download the image.

Some general rules of drinking water

  • Many people drink water for a while. There is no need to drink water after a while. If you are thirsty, drink water. Drink water if the body feels the need for water. You can also decide to drink water by looking at the color of the urine.
  • We drink water after some meal. He drank water and at the end he took a little water in his mouth, cleaned his face like a coolie and swallowed a little bit of water. This will allow the food particles stuck inside the mouth and between the teeth to move inside the stomach.
  • Pay attention to drinking water. When drinking water, refrain from talking or doing anything else. Drink with full concentration.
  • Make it a habit to drink water in a clean glass. You can use glass. This will increase the concentration of drinking water.
  • Avoid drinking too much water at once.
  • Do not drink water while standing, lying down, leaning. Try to drink water while sitting and make it a habit to drink while sitting.
  • Make sure your drink is pure and then drink it.

Some amazing and interesting information about water

  • 75% of the human brain is water.
  • 75% of a living plant is water.
  • A person can survive for about a month without food. But you can live without water for only one week.
  • Water consists of two components, hydrogen and oxygen. 2 Hydrogen + 1 Oxygen = H2O.
  • About 98% of the world’s water is salt water. 2% of it is covered with ice and glaciers. And only 1% of people use it for their needs.
  • Water regulates the earth’s temperature.
  • Water regulates human body temperature, carrying nutrients and oxygen to the cells. Protects joints and tissues and removes body wastes.
  • Ice is lighter than water. So the ice floats in the water.
  • When the earth was created, there was an equal amount of water on the earth.
  • 20 gallons of water is used to make half a liter (one pint) of beer.
  • About 70 million people in the world are deprived of clean water.
  • About 200 children die every hour in the world due to unsafe water.
  • A cucumber is 75% halo water.
  • About 80% of the world’s diseases are caused by water.
  • One ton of steel requires 300 tons of water.
  • If a 4 liter jug ​​is filled with water from all over the world, then only one tablespoon of drinking water can be obtained from there.

The amount of water in the atmosphere is greater than all the rivers in the world. It takes about 40,000 gallons of water to build a new car.

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